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What stops us from being free

When I write or even when I meet up with people for coffee and a chat I like to do it after the storm has passed. I like to have things figured out a little before talking or writing about it, to feel more comfortable, to feel in control, to feel safe. But obviously I know that I am ultimately not in control at all. God is. But my insecurities and weaknesses are so vast and deep that I fear showing all sides of me. I am pretty open about life and things that I go through in general. I love to chat, discuss and learn from others. However the fear of not being good enough or of being rejected can cause me to scurry back into my shell, my cocoon, my shelter. But God is calling me out. He call us deeper, calls us to live this journey, this life out in the open. To fall in public, to fall short, to mess up, to learn...and to start all over again and I am rest assured that He will be there all the way. Picking me up, cheering me on and always, always leading the way. So I am going to try
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Happy New Year!

 Life for me is safest lived day by day and step by step. I cant really do more than that. Naturally I stress really easily, I over think often, I dispair far to much. So day by day and step by step is the best medicine for me! The most wonderful thing is..thats how God leads us to live, day by day and step by step. I am very thankful for the year that has passed. Its another year of life lived, people I have had the pleasure to know and places I have been but most of all I am thankful for Gods grace in my life and in those lives around me. Life can be tough...but one thing remains the same ...this year, last year and the one to come...and that is Him . Thank you Jesus . I know at Christmas we are to celebrate Christ birth...but the New Year for me brings more celebration of Christ and His life than Christmas does. The New Year to me represents a new year to live in the grace that Christ has a huge price for Him but which comes so freely for those who come to H

New things

I am doing a new thing.. So its been three years and three months since in my bedroom, (actually it was my brothers bedroom, mine was probably too messy to sleep in or something like that!!) I had my bible open and thanked God for all he had done for me and for loving me and forgiving me. So much has happened since then and this morning I am reminded of the phrase 'I am doing a new thing'. I read that in Isaiah43 a few weeks ago and I am reading through Revelation at the moment and Exodus and in both it is clear that in the future God will do a new thing...there will be a new heaven and a new earth. And in Exodus we see how he leads his poeple in new ways and to new places. A new thing. If I look back on the last three years I see lots of change but change mostly in my heart. The beauty of a living and active God is that a new thing can be as real for the Isralites in Exodus and as true for the times to come in Revelation but the awesome thing is that it isnt about past

College year 2012/2013

Its been a little while since I wrote last. When my writing stops or I go quiet, sometimes its because I am kinda standing still in my life in a way...this time it has been because of fear. The last two weeks have flown by...each day has been such a mix, with hopeless moments followed by encouragement from the Lord. His steadfast lovingkindness definetly sums up my last two weeks. College is a huge challenge for me. I am so thankful to know that I'm ment to be there. God has shown this to me clearly through His Word and opened the doors for me to go to college. It was given to me by Him and its a gift I am thankful for it. But boy is it a challenge!! The course I am doing doesnt have a whole lot of class hours, I havnt had that many exams so far and overall it shouldnt be that intimidating, but to me it is. I am 25, (26 next life crisis ahead!!:)) and I have never been good at dealing with academic stuff. I have always wanted to teach children. Always. But
For me, as a Christian sometimes I doubt...I think what if I have got it wrong??..Could I really know the truth and so many not want it? This week in college it is 'Islam awareness week' and watching people filter in and out of the room that  they are set up in reminded me that there are so many religions out there. I asked God today what if I got it wrong?...What if what I believe and what I do isnt true to Him or the truth? I asked Him to reach me today and show me Him and His truth. And though my prayer was weak and quiet, He heard. As I went about the rest of my day God was placing in front of me reminders of where He has brought me from and to. As I cycled home from college, as I sat reading my favorite blogs, as I drew on my blackboard wall...He showed me through my simple life what He has done for me and the life He has given to me. All because of Christ love, death and ressurection for a girl who did not yet know Him. I do not wish to tell you about my relig

A colourful weekend

 February and Spring are in full swing here in Cork and I'm loving the change.   There are only 8 weeks left of lectures in college and the months ahead look packed with fun weekends and some challenges but with Spring comes new life and I know that whatever comes my way nothing is a surprise to God.    This weekend thanks to a dear friend who donated some left over paint I started to paint my bedroom. Over Christmas my sister and I changed rooms which has given me lots of room for creative fun. I have to be honest since I begun the 'be creative 2013' project I have been overwhelmed with ideas with things I can do to make my bedroom functional, colourful and pretty. Projects like these take time however and I'll have to do it all in bite size chunks. College, work and life have to go on too :) So this weekend I painted part of my room duck egg blue... I really love the colour. Its fresh and soft and fits perfectly with my cream furniture.      I al

Spring is upon us!

  January has come and gone and I am definetly excited that Spring has come. I love the different seasons and the change that comes with them. It's such a blessing that with each season comes new sights & colours & this season brings fresh growth and the beginning of colour which is very welcome in my books. Thank you God for the changing seasons.   This January is what I would call a 'pic n mix'. Such a mix bag weather wise but also with college and motivation and also with my bible reading plan. There has been times of growth and progress and other cold, wintery days where all I wanted was early bed times and to avoid the work ahead but what has been a huge blessing is the 'be creative 2013' incentive and the bible reading plan. They have kept my month colourful and fresh. Thankfully.   This year I definetly have embraced the idea of goals. Long term and short term. They can be exciting and help keep focus. They have helped me throughout